Серьёзные знакомства Sitelove
Любовь запретила просмотр своих фотографий незарегистрированным посетителям и неактивированным пользователям.
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Любовь из города Valencia, 60 лет
1 фото


, 60 лет, Весы
Valencia (Comunitat Valenciana, Spain)

Цель знакомства:
Серьёзные отношения

Семейное положение:

Наличие детей:
Двое детей

165 см.

66 кг.

Цвет волос:

Цвет глаз:

Отношение к курению:
Курит постоянно

Отношение к алкоголю:

Среднее специальное


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Search materially well-to-do, in fact earn not bad, good, wise, soft king!Will not suffer if my king will practise upon an alcohol, in fact I it suffered greatly sufficiently!I already not so young, to amuse oneself in different games, that is why ask not to fluster perverting and bad men!Something about me:i like cooking when a free minute is, love rest at home, that is why guard him, like to go for a walk and rest on nature!!!Love two grandchildren(daughters chilldren), but very rarely see them, because they live in Ukraine, a son is also married, but so far does not think to continue family)))Sad after the native country and relatives and by friends, but I have strong and volitional character, that is why I try to think that when I here earn a money there more easily them!!!But now it is so desirable to live in the satisfaction with the native soul alongside, to pick up thread my faith for the real men!!!)))